thank you
its 6pm and i finished work. i wanted to go out,
jogging or playing soccer
first time with my friends. the
sun`s shining warm and so friendly on my skin. i have
to close my eyes and
turn the face to the sun, let
her kiss my eyes and bring pleasure in my heart.
but - unfortenately- i can`t.
i have to meet a friend
of a friend, he`s
interested about my work and he
wants to spend some money for anything new in his
apartment. i heard about a
box to let disappear his
television, made of cherry-wood (not the television,
the box) i`ll see.
i`m using this moments until i have to go and want to
thank you for your
words. its always a warm touch
to read your lines. i feel understood and like looking
in a big, old,
glowing pirate-treasure-case. ..no, thats
not a good explication. let me think about it..its
more about i wrote above:
being kissed by the first spring
evening sun; the mild wind brings different smells
from all the trees and
grasses and shy flowers through
the bright-yellow streets. something happens deep
inside, an incredible good
feeling flows under the skin.
everythings good, the world is love and life is
maybe it sounds very sweet now. hm, its not the
i like it very much to feel the changes of the times.
last autumn was very
intense. sometimes melancholic,
sometimes sad. but it felt positive and alive.
the beginning springtime
ist very bright and happy.
yesterday, we went to a small river in the soft green
hills. on every hill
stands a little tree. like a funny
haircut. we made a fire and had a big towell on the
grass with
finest food. olives, avocado, corn-bread, apples,
tofu, carots...my friends
put their clothes off and swam
naked in the ice-cold water of the
river. some poeple walked by and shaked their heads.
one guy was sitting
behind a little tree a watched
the girls with a glass.
i don`t like such cold water. i took a wonderful hour
of sleeping under the
sun. let take my skin the first tanning..
its wonderful how you write about god. i`m sure he,
she, it is watching you
well and an
open heart like yours is sure
guided through life.
i`m very sorry about the friend
who died. and i`m sorry
about all the pain, yours and
yours for the friend who needs to be alone. its his
way to live with it. all
you can do is to be at his side if he needs you. if he
will listen to the
embrace you will give him. these are moments which let
you know again how
precious and nonrecouring life in fact is. carpe diem.
im looking for my way to spend this life everyday. and
if i`m leaving this
road i want to know why. sometimes i`m leaving, yes.
but only to find it
again. important is to be concious. but what am i
telling you? you know well about
your ways. and if you find yourself missunderstood or
in wrong clothes in
vancouver- its only a sign.
i`m returning in october / november to central
america. i have to plan this
year a little bit. because i have to buy the ticket
and they want to know
where i`m gonna flying back. is its san josé or is it
quito? is it havanna? i
want to go and see how the rivers flows.
sure, i want to spend a lot of days on caye caulker.
and oaxaca...i`m
dreaming of daily. san pedro i`m missing, both of you.
my mother and my stepfather come and visit my and the
tierra prometa. and
maybe some friends? i want to celebrate my 30 birthday
(30!!! oh my god)
somewhere in paradise. you will get the invitation
then. but its all written in the
stars. and they`re bright these nights.
remember yourself, you also will find ever a place to
stay wherever i am.
wherever my heart is.
unity. hugs and kisses. again and again. i feel

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