Weeks, month and soon years are running forward, away from moments to become
remembers. All we can do is live them clear-minded and keep them in our
hearts. It maybe feels sad sometimes, past luck turns to present tears, but its
always better to feel sad then to feel nothing. I like the melancholic
secrets, the pictures in my head, the spontanic laughing or the
daydream-like-self-made-stories about people I met somewhere. These are points more in the large
list, wich lets me wish to travel more and more. My emotional home turned
from the place I grew up to the place in my heart where is written “be freeE
To feel well excepts not more only a geografical place with people near like
family. I feel stronger than before, because I know to become, to be happy
with only myself. Of course, people are very important. But I feel you’re near
me right now, without holding your hand..
Easy to drift awayEI’m back in switzerland. Back again. I had such a
troubleful time, went home from mexiko in april. Went back to mexiko until july.
But now, these intense days are gone far away and they return sometimes as
bittersweet morningdreams on my tongue. I’m working hard, I’m out of money, so
I have to work. I do some freelance projects for one of best zurichs
event/exhibition/corporate design firms. At the moment, its about the new design of
worldwide ticket-offices from the brandnew switzerland airline called
“swissE I’m important sometimes and that feels nice. But its more funny thean nice.
You know, I’m not an oh-I’m-so-important guy. I cannot be serious in such
Before that they shot a cinema movie in the mountains, in the alps. The
story’s about the football worldchampionship from 1954 in switzerland. That year,
germany won and because of that, most of the actors from this movie came
from germany. It was very very interesting, I had to build sets and organize
1950 furnitures and little things around. Looking for typical details, build a
whole hotel back in time and plant these boring red flowers in the little
cases in front of the windows. Unfortunately all the time it was bad weather,
heavygrey clouds only and not one day a view over the mountains. The germans
were very disapointed.
And this morning, I found your e-mail adress. Today’s a good day. I kiss
you. The sun is shining, the poeple are friendly smiling and the cardriver let
me walk over the street.
I like days like this. So I decided not to work this afternoon. To be less
important. I’ll not turn my life back and become one of these workaholics I
was before.
The time in mexiko changed some of my views. My view about “importantEbr>things and my feelings for people who wear, drive, posess or talk about these
things. Its not what does count for me. I want to feel healthy, want to enjoy
time with people I love, want to relax, want to take space between me and the
surfacal things. I want to stay in the mood I am.
Oh leslie. What about you? Where are you right now? I hope you are going
superwell, I think about you and wish you luck.
Love manuel
ps: a picture from this summer's first party with friends at the lake of
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